Working with Oneness
A website dedicated to connecting with spiritual groups of all types who are working towards the emerging consciousness of oneness that is central to our human and planetary survival and evolution. Consciousness of oneness is an awareness of the unity and interconnectedness of all of life.

The Sufi Conference
The Sufi Conference was an annual gathering from 2001-2008, that celebrated the oneness and love that belongs to the Sufi path of love. It was a time for different Sufi orders and lovers of God to come together. The site offers a complete library archive of the talks given at the Sufi Conferences.

The Global Oneness Project
The Global Oneness Project is exploring how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world. Since 2006, they've been traveling the globe gathering stories from creative and courageous people who base their lives and work on the understanding that we bear great responsibility for each other and our shared world. Their living library of films is available for free from our website, through select broadcast outlets, and on DVD. Through events and educational materials we offer opportunities for people to deepen their experience with the different facets of oneness we are exploring.
We hope that by showing the diverse ways oneness is expressed—in the fields of sustainability, conflict resolution, spirituality, art, economics, indigenous culture, and social justice—others will be inspired to create solutions to personal and community challenges from their own lived understanding of oneness.

The Oneness Center
Deep inside every human being there is a place that connects us with our primal nature and gives us access to an inner wisdom. If individuals or groups make a connection with this inner core, they access the universal knowledge of unity and thus experience life from a broader perspective. They make decisions that aren't just directed at immediate gains but serve the whole. This inner alignment fosters individual and collective growth that has a deeply healing effect. It supports the organic development of our world making a real contribution to the pressing social, economical, ecological and spiritual issues of our present time.
The Oneness Center, located in Bern, Switzerland, offers a space that allows us to learn how to access this simple and yet dynamic state of oneness individually and collectively, bringing it into our daily lives.
Emergence Magazine
It has always been a radical act to share stories during dark times. They are regenerative spaces of creation and renewal.
Launched in 2018, Emergence Magazine is an award-winning online publication with an annual print edition. As we experience a loss of sacred connection to the earth, we share stories that explore the timeless connections between ecology, culture, and spirituality.

St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace
St Ethelburga’s work sits at the intersection of climate and peace in London. We believe there can be no peace on Earth unless we also realize peace with Earth.
We offer events, training, leadership programs and multimedia content which equip and inspire people to become peacemakers in their own contexts. Our project areas include spiritual ecology, community reconciliation, refugee inclusion, radical resilience and viewpoint diversity.