یا اِلہی اپنی عظمت اور عطا کے واسطے
نورِایمان دے محمد مُصطفیٰ کے واسطے – 1
By Your infinite grace and majesty bestow upon me
the light of true faith and practice3
For the sake of Muhammad, beloved of Allâh 4
دِل میرا ہو نورِ وحدت سے منور یا وحید
حضرتِ ابوبکر زیب عتقیہ کے واسطے - 2
Illuminate my heart with the light
of Your oneness, O One and Absolute Lord
For the sake of the jewel-like brilliance of
Master Abu Bakr’s spiritual inner poverty
and self-discipline
یا اِلہی نفسِ کافر سے مُجھے ابلِیس سے
لے بچا، سلمان مُرشِد باصفا کے واسطے - 3
Protect me O Lord from the whisperings of Satan
and from those of my sinful lower nature
For the sake of the pure faith and sincerity of
our revered Master Salmân Fârisï
یا اِلہی عِشق سے اپنے مُجھے کر سر بُلند
حضرتِ قاسِم امامِ بی ریا کے واسطے - 4
With the power of Your Love lift up
my intentions and will to their highest
For the sake of our revered Imam Qâsim’s
impeccable virtue and morality
یا اِلہی عِشق کی آتِش سے سینہ ہو کباب
جعفر صادق امامِ پیشوا کے واسطے - 5
O Beloved set my heart aflame with Your love
until it becomes scorched and burnt up
For the sake of the nobility of
our revered Imam Ja’far Sâdiq
یا اِلہی جُز تیرے بھولوں میں سب دُنیا و دین
بایزید پیشوا مردِ خُدا کے واسطے - 6
Except You O Beloved let me forget
everything, in this world and the next
For the sake of Shaykh Bâyazïd’s
complete and total absorption 5
یا اِلہی فضل سے دے دولتِ فقرُ فنا
بوالحسن خواجہ ہمارے باصفا کے واسطے - 7
From Your endless bounty
bestow upon me complete annihilation
For the sake of Master Kharaqâni’s 6
purity of focus
یا اِلہی تا آبد قائم رھے یہ سِلسِلہ
خواجہ ابُو القاسم نورالهدى کے واسطے – 8
O Lord allow this tradition of Masters
to continue forevermore
For the sake of the clear path
of Master Abul Qâsim’s guidance
یا اِلہی جب میں تیرا نام لوں تب ہو حضور
بو علی مقبول درگاہِ خُدا کے واسطے - 9
Whenever I repeat Your name O Beloved
accept me into Your presence
For the sake of Shaykh Abu Ali Farmâdi
and Your acceptance of him
یا اِلہی کر حِجابِ تن سے مُجھ کو پاک صاف
خواجہ یوسف قُطبِ عالم باخُدا کے واسطے - 10
Purge me O Lord, of all the veils within my being
until I am purified and without stain
For the sake of Shaykh Yûsuf
a perfect being and our revered saint
یا اِلہی عِزتِ دُنیا و دین ہوعطا
ابدِاخالِق غجدوانی با حیا کے واسطے - 11
O Lord grant me dignity and respect
in this world and the next
for the sake of our dignified and honourable
Master Abdul Khâliq Ghujduvâni
یا اِلہی کامل الیمان بنادے تو مُجھے
خواجہ عارِف رِیوگری مردے خُدا کے واسطے - 12
O Lord please perfect me
and my inner faith, as You alone can
for the sake of our most righteous
Khwâja7 Ârif Riwgâri
یا اِلہی دور کر جسمِ ذلالت اور روحانی میری
خواجہ محمود مُرشِد باضِعَہ کے واسطے - 13
Take away all the sufferings
and torments in my body and soul
For the sake of the crystalline clarity of
Khwâja Mahmûd Faghnâwi’s faith8
یا اِلہی دور کر دُنیا و دین کو درد دُکھ
حضرت خواجہ عزیزان بادشاہ کے واسطے - 14
Distance me O Lord from the pain
and misery of this world, and the next
For the sake of Your beloved devotee and
our most pious Khwâja Azïzân
یا اِلہی شرع پہ جب تک جیوں ثابِت رہوں
حضرت خواجہ محمد با عطا کے واسطے - 15
For as long as I live make me
steadfast in the observance of Your Law
For the sake of the depth of
Khwâja Sammâsi’s knowledge and wisdom
یا اِلہی حفظِ ایمان وقت مردن کیجیو
حضرت میرِکلال پارسا کے واسطے - 16
At the moment of death, I beseech You
enshroud my soul and keep it
under Your protection
For the sake of our pious
and revered Master Amirï Kulâl
یا اِلہی میرے اعمال شنیہ کو چُھپا
شاہ بہاؤالدین اکمل باصفا کے واسطے - 17
O Lord let all my actions be free
from sin and immorality
For the sake of the complete purity of
our revered Maulâna Shah Bahâ’uddïn
یا اِلہی مُجھ پہ ہوےَ نورِ وحدت آشکار
شاہ علادین مُرشِد رہنُما کے واسطے - 18
May the light of Your Oneness
be revealed clearly within me
For the sake of our blessed guide and
revered Master Alâ’uddïn Attar
یا اِلہی دے امان من کُلِ دین اور بلا
حضرت یعقوب چرخی پرضیا کے واسطے - 19
Grant me refuge O Lord, from the darkness
of debt, calamity and misfortune
For the sake of the effulgence of
our revered Maulâna Yâqûb Charkhï
یا اِلہی پل پہ اور محشر میں ہو پیروں کا ساتھ
خواجہ احرا ر رسول عتقیہ کے واسطے - 20
Please allow me to be with my teachers
on the Last Day and on the bridge 9
For the sake of Your devout saint and
our revered Khwâja Ahrâr
یا اِلہی زهد وتقوی اور مُحبت اپنی دے
حضرت خواجہ مُحمد پارسا کے واسطے - 21
Bless me with Your friendship
O Beloved, and bestow upon me
true devotion and detachment
For the sake of the perfection of our revered
Khwâja Muhammad Zâhid
یا اِلہی سارے عِصیان اور نسیاں کر معاف
شاہ درویش مُحمد مُرتضیٰ کے واسطے - 22
Forgive all my disobediences
and lapses in remembrance O Lord
committed knowingly, and unknowingly
For the sake of Your favoured servant
and our revered Shah Darvesh Muhammad
یا اِلہی دوست میرے ہوےَ ہردم شادمان
خواجہ امکنکی مُحمد بادشاہ کے واسطے - 23
May my friends and companions be blessed
with happiness always O Lord
For the sake of Your most esteemed servant
and our revered Khwâja Amkanâki
یا اِلہی توبہ کامِل کی تُو توفیق دے
خواجہ عبدُل باقی مُرشِد رَہنُما کے واسطے - 24
Grant me the strength and capacity
to repent fully of all my sins
For the sake of our blessed guide
and revered Khwâja Bâqï’billah
یا اِلہی یا قریب قُرب کر اپنا عطا
غوث اُلعظم شیخ احمد پیشوا کے واسطے - 25
Bless me with Your nearness
O Most Proximate One 10
For the sake of Shaykh Ahmad
the great intercessor of his people 11
یا اِلہی حُبِ پیرانِ طریقت مُجھ کو دے
حضرت معصوم رسول عتقیہ کے واسطے - 26
Fill me with love and devotion for
all the Masters of this Order
For the sake of Your devout saint and
our revered Shaykh Mâsûm
یا اِلہی شِرک و كفر و مصیت سے دور رکھ
شیخ سیف الدین مُرشِد رَہنُما کے واسطے -27
O Lord protect me and keep me far
from all acts of sin, evil and polytheism
For the sake of our blessed guide
and revered Shaykh Sayfuddïn Farûqi
یا اِلہی غیرکا مُحتاج مت کر میرے رب
سید نور مُحمد مُقتدی کے واسطے - 28
Let me never be needy or found wanting
upon anyone, Only You O Lord
For the sake of our revered
Shaykh Nûr Muhammad al Badawni
یا اِلہی غیب سے روزی دے یا رزاقُ
شمس الدین محبوب مظہر مِرزا کے واسطے - 29
Give me my daily sustenance from The Unseen
O Lord and Bestower of all sustenance
For the sake of our most beloved and revered
Shaykh Shamsuddïn Mazhar Mirza
یا اِلہی دے مُجھ کو توفیق اعمالِ حُسن
حضرت خواجہ نعیم اللہ شاہ کے واسطے - 30
O Lord give me the power and capability
to attain to a life of virtue and perfect faith
For the sake of our revered
Khwâja Shah Naïm’ullah
یا اِلہی اپنی رحمت سے تو دے دِل کی مُراد
شاہ مُراداللہ مقبولِ خُدا کے واسطے -31
From Your infinite mercy O Lord
fulfil my heart’s innermost desire
For the sake of Your accepted servant
and our revered Shah Murâdullah
یا اِلہی شاد رکھ اپنی مُحبت میں مُجھے
قُتبِ عالم بُل حسن نورالهدى کے واسطے - 32
O Beloved satiate me with Your love
so that I may remain satisfied always
For the sake of the clear guidance
of our esteemed Shaykh Abul Hassan
یا اِلہی رحم کر مجروح عاصی پر سدا
مولوی احمد علی خان رَہنُما کے واسطے - 33
May Your mercy and compassion flow
for all perpetuity, on this poor sinner Majruuh12
For the sake of our blessed guide and revered
Maulâna Ahmad Ali Khan
یا اِلہی تیرِ وحدت سے مُجھے مجروح کر
فضل احمد خان اِمام الاصفیا کے واسطے - 34
O Lord pierce my heart with the arrow
of Your oneness, for the sake of the holy purity of
our revered Maulâna Fazl Ahmad Khan
یا اِلہی شاد ہو دارین میں عبدالغنی
فضل احمد خان مُرشِد بی ریا کے واسطے - 35
Kindly grace our revered Maulâna Abdul Ghani
with complete happiness in both the worlds
For the sake of the pure and faultless disposition of
our revered Murshid Fazl Ahmad Khan
یا اِلہی فضل سے دے مُجھ کو فضلِ احمدی
رام فضلی اور رگوبر با عطا کے واسطے - 36
From Your infinite generosity bestow upon me
the blessings of Maulâna Fazl Ahmad Khan
For the sake of our beloved and blessed guides
Mahâtma Ramchandra and Mahâtma Raghûbar Dayâl
ہُو فناءفِل شیخ میں بر صدقےرگوبر دیال
یا اِلہی رام چندراجی راہنُما کے واسطے - 37
Let me be annihilated in my shaykh
and may its blessings be bestowed upon
Mahâtma Raghûbar Dayâl
For the sake of our blessed Mahâtma Ramchandra
پیر سے الفت ہو مُجھ کو ہُو فناءفِل شیخ میں
یا اِلہی مهاتما رادھا موہن لالجی صاحِب
راہنُما کے واسطے - 38
O Lord fill me with love for my shaykh
and annihilate me in him
For the sake of our blessed guide and revered
Master Radha Mohan Lâl
سارے عِصیان ہو معاف اور قبول ہو نیک عمل
یا اِلہی بُزُرگانے سِلسِلہ کے واسطے
Forgive me for all my shortcomings
and accept me as Your servant O Lord
For the sake of all the revered Masters
of this noble path and lineage
- This prayer, albeit a unique piece of its kind, may be regarded as an equivalent of the Khatme Khwâjagân practice of other Sufi tariqas wherein the names of the Masters of the lineage are called out chronologically, preceded and interspersed by invocations to God and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This prayer was handed down to disciples to be recited individually and silently within the heart, in keeping with the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya tariqa in which all practices are performed in silence.
- This prayer was composed in August 1887 by Maulâna Shah Fazl Ahmad Khan, also known as Hujûr Maharâj Sâhib. He wrote the first thirty-three verses of this prayer. He was born in Raipur, Uttar Pradesh, India, in 1837. He joined the Naqshbandi Sufi Order in 1856 under the tutelage of his Shaykh, Ahmad Ali Khan Sahib. Master Hujûr Maharâj Sâhib was the first within this particular Sufi Order to share its teachings to non-Muslims, predominantly amongst the Hindu community, according to a pre-ordained instruction given to him by his shaykh.
- The word imaan, translated sometimes as belief, also encompasses other aspects of faith such as inner trust, dependence upon God, spiritual practice, charity, and morality. It is said that God Himself grants the light of faith to the believer.
- The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was referred to by many names, one of which, Mustafa, means “beloved” (of Allâh). The name Muhammad, given to him by his paternal grandfather Abd-al-Muttalib, means “praiseworthy”.
- In the original text the words marde khudaa are used which ordinarily means “man of God” but here refers to a state where only God exists such is the state of self-denial.
- The following saying is attributed to Abul Hassan Ali Al-Kharaqâni, “I feel, I hear, I speak, but I do not exist”.
- Khwâja means Master or Shaykh and now commonly used to refer to the Central Asian Sufi Masters (or Khwâjagân). Khwâja Ârif Riwgâri is the first Master to have been referred to in this way.
- From accounts Khwâja al-Faghnâwi was known for the clarity of his certainty and faith, which is expressed here metaphorically. The seeker is indirectly asking God’s help in purifying them through the intercession of one of His servants.
- In Islam it is understood that after death, on the Day of Resurrection, also referred to as the Judgment Day or the Last Day (when the souls will be returned to the body), there is a bridge that must be successfully crossed in order to enter Paradise. This bridge is said to be thinner than a strand of hair and sharper than the sharpest knife and tests the degree of faith and belief. The Sufi Path has also sometimes been described in this way.
- In the Qur’an (50:16), God’s proximity to His servant is described thus: “He is closer to you than your very neck vein.” Neck vein refers to the jugular vein.
- The Prophet (pbuh) is quoted as saying about Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi that “by his intercession many of his people will be saved”. In the original text Shaykh Ahmad is given the title ghawth-ul-adham, which means “the greatest helper”.
- In the closing verse Master Hujûr Maharâj Sâhib refers to himself in the third person. He was a writer and poet, and used the pen name Majruuh. There may also be an intended play on words here (though it cannot be verified), rûh meaning “soul”.